I have lost track of what day we are at with this quarantine. I also do not want to count the days. At this point, the concept of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are irrelevant. The only thing I seem to keep track of is time. I am asking myself and other people the one big question on everyone’s mind : when will the quarantine end ? When will we be allowed outside again ? I try not to think about this but rather, distract myself with activities.
When quarantine began, like a lot of people, I immediately went to Netflix to entertain myself. I quickly went through a lot of their shows, including the ones I had ignored for months. I even went into my Amazon Prime, watching 90s and 2000s films, for a bit of nostalgia. I have now reached a point where I scour Youtube for new and interesting content, hoping each video is at least 15 minutes long, in order to help pass the time. I have happily fallen in a rabbit-hole of interior and architecture videos, which not only ease my new-found anxiety but also have me day dreaming about the type of home I wouldn’t mind being quarantined in.
I am also now at the point where I break up my screen time with some reading. Yes, there is a book or two in my apartment that I bought a few weeks ago and never picked up. I have found reading by my window, basking in the sun rays, with a cup of tea, to be another pleasurable part of my day. I am confident I will finish a book per week and I hope this is a habit I keep up after quarantine. In the mean time, I thought I would share with you some of my favourite books to read and channels to watch during this time. Stay safe, everyone.
BOOKS TO READ : One Hundred Years of Solitude – Gabriel Garcia Marquez / Americanah – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie / The Kite Runner – Khaled Hosseini / The Bluest Eye – Toni Morrison / A Dog’s Heart – Mikhail Bulgakov
INTERIOR / ARCHITECTURE VIDEOS TO WATCH: Nowness / Architectural Digest / Apartment Therapy / Never Too Small