Is the term festive earrings actually a thing ? I didn’t want to say Christmas earrings or New Years earrings. That seemed a bit too specific to a day on the calendar. But seeing as we are all in that party season month of holiday lunches, office parties, dinners and eventually Christmas and New Years Eve, I thought festive earrings would be a more appropriate term. I can’t help grabbing a pair or two of earrings whenever I am out shopping because, lately, the high street has been producing some amazing ear candy (sorry, festive earrings) for the holidays.
The chandelier crystal earrings I am wearing are from Asos and they are on sale for £12 ($19). These are timeless, in my opinion, because chandelier earrings have been around for a while and they will go well not just during the festive season but for nights out and special occasions. On the other hand, if you have money to spend, how about going for black and crystal-embellished earrings by Saint Laurent ? Big and bold, they will definitely catch someone’s eye. They do give off an 80s Dynasty vibe don’t they ?
I am sure before the end of this week, I will have amassed even more earrings so make sure to keep up-to-date with any new purchases via my Instagram Shop page, where items I wear will be linked. Good luck finding the perfect pair of festive earrings !